Remington 1100 Serial Number Year

Designer/Inventor: John F. Browning with subsequent improvements By C.C. Loomis and other Remington designers. Action Type: Recoil operated – Hammerless – Side ejection – Take Down. Caliber/Gauge: 12, 16, 20 Gauges. Serial Number Blocks: 12 gauge – approximately 10,000 – 510,750 16 gauge – approximately 1,500,000 – 1,557,000. I just located another 12ga Remington 1100 with L prefix then 00 and then 4 low digits for the serial number. Remington also told me today that mine did not exist in their records either. The only 2 things I find different or kinda out of the ordinary run of the mill 1100 is it has the full choke vent ribbed 28 inch barrel instead of usual 30. The 11-87 came in 1987 but in their great wisdom Remington continued to sell Model 1100 at various times after that. You did not say what the stamp was the Months are B L A C K P O W D E R X for Jan. Finding the month and year stamps was a big help.

  1. Remington 1100 Serial Number Year 5

Description: A lighter, streamlined version, of the Model 11. The first new shotguns to be introduced by Remington after World War II.

Introduction Year: 1949

Year Discontinued: 1969


Total Production: Approximately: 455,600

Designer/Inventor: L.Ray Critendon, Ellis Hailston, and C.R. Johnson

Action Type: Autoloading with a recoiling barrel action

Caliber/Gauge: 12, 16, 20, 28,.410 Gauges

Serial Number Blocks:
12 ga. – Approximately 5,000,000 – 5,172,000*
16 ga. – Approximately 5,500,000 – 5,571,000*
20 ga. – Approximately 5,800,000 – 5,848,000*
28 ga. – Approximately 4,009,000 – 4,027,000*
.410 – Approximately 4,100,000 – 4,125,000*
*Some 12 ga. Models have serial numbers from approximately 20,000 – 213,000

Grades Offered:
Model 11-48A – Standard Grade
Model 11-48R – Riot Grade
Model 11-48B – Special Grade
Model 11-48D – Tournament Grade
Model 11-48F – Premier Grade
Model 11-48 RSS – Rifled Slug Special


Sportsman 48
Mohawk 48 (1970 – 1974)

Remington 1100 Serial Number Year 5